Today was better. I got up and went out to see my psychiatrist. It makes me feel like I am actually DOING something to fight this. She has worked with people with RA before and is familiar with how the medications interact. She says that I should avoid any steroid like prednisone because it can through me into a manic state. If we do choose to use it, we should prepare with additional stabilizers.
She offered to increase the amount of cymbalta I take, to help treat the pain- but she says it is better suited for nerve pain than joint pain and it aggravates the stabilizer, so the less I take, the better I feel. Before bringing in RA, she had planned on decreasing the cymbalta to nothing over the course of a year.
I got word from the rheumy that I may go onto Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) 400mg 1xdaily. It is a anti-malaria medication which is also used for treating lupus and arthritis. Until then she has me taking Motrin 600-800mg round the clock. Has anyone tried this, what is it supposed to DO and what side effects did you get?
When my husband went to Panama he had to take an antimalarial drug and it gave him nightmares. i wonder if this is the same drug?
Here's another question. Each day is so different. Yesterday my arms and hands hurt so bad that I felt like crying most of the day. By the end of the afternoon (after midterm tests) I couldn't stand, sit or walk without difficulty in my feet, KNEES and hips too. Today my knees are the worst, but my wrists and elbows are a close 2nd. My knuckles arn't so bad today, but I'm not using them like I was the last several days. (thank God for my new voice-recognition program) Why is it so diffrent day-to-day on the combination of joints that hurt?
I got long again. Sorry, I just have so much to say. My husband seems to think this is all a joke. Says I should go ahead and get manic so the house will get clean. He'll just have to take away my access to money first. Most of my friends were great when I first got "sick" last year at this time, but got tired of it quickly and moved on with their lives. They don't seem to understand that I can't simply move on just because it isn't fun anymore. It's been a hard year for them, but it's been an even harder year for me, and it's not over yet.
I just have to wait for Wednesday when I see the Rheumy again. I can't do anything more about it till then.