All this talk about
cats! We have two, a Persian and a Calico and the Persian pretty much rules the roost and both cats fight over who is going to sleep with my daughter and if the Calico gets there first at night..Look out!!! The Persian gets very put out and doesn't hesitate to tell you about
it! He will sit at the end of the bed or worse at the door of the bedroom and pout and complain
He just has to be first
Dogs are so much easier, kind of like boys
I'm more of a dog person, and we have two of those, a lab/retriever cross who is very large and mellow, and then what we thought was a black lab but turned out to be a lab/terrier cross and is a bit high strung. Both are sweet dogs
although the golden lab does tend to get pouty if she doesn't get her way (will turn her back and face the other way!) and can get depressed if the kiddo's are gone from the house too longers (summers are difficult) I would choose the same breed again for sure. Although no cats on counters, our cats don't do hair yuck!
Erin that is unfortunate that your area is that way with cats, and it was that way in Kansas too. In the area of Colorado where we are, vets will do it at almost no cost in order to reduce the number of cats. It's sad that cats are left to just breed like that over and over and not even have homes..we had a neigbor once who took in three cats for her little girl and then ended up with 15 cats!! and she was really unable to feed and care for them and they just roamed the neigborhood, the situation got really out of hand, and I never really understood why she got so many if she wasn't going to be able to get them spayed/neutered, and the thing is she could have for almost nothing. Crazy! I agree with you it is very sad and frustrating.
Yally, it is supposed to rain a bit here too at some point today...hubby had to sleep with the windows open last night and my joints were already hurting..its not really warm enough yet for open windows, so ouch! Good luck with your injections and I'm sure you won't have the same fiasco that I did
Sj, So happy you are feeling better. I think you just had to get over that hump, and it is rough for some of us!! I hated the MTX for a long time, but it gets better. Just try to stay as healthy as you possibly can, that is the only thing I really noticed with it. I wash my hands even more, especially after using someone elses' pen, or keyboard, just things I wouldn't have normally thought about pre-mtx..My daugther even put one of those liquid purell's on my key chain bless her heart and I use it quite frequently. After I had a really gross eye infection that got out of hand, I became much more dillegent
Boo...Gosh not sure what it does to the innards and I try not to think too much about it, I'm now on to the Enbrel and I worry about the whole combo..It took me awhile to get past the fear of the MTX, if you read everything about it, its hard not to start flipping out about it (side effects) and I fought the MTX for a long time until finally the nurse on the phone asked when I was going to start it, because I was on the phone whining about my pain but wouldn't do anymore about it..and it was in my file that we had talked about it. I finally just gave in..It's like a lot of these meds, you just end up giving in to the next one and the next one! Are you on Plaquenil??The MTX did work for me in combination with the Plaq for quite awhile, and if you need it, it will be okay, I know it's scary!! If you're in pain sweetie, go see the rheumy plus you have been under so much stress, not good for your body or your RA!
Okay well it looks like I really babbled classes and too much time here at home..I'm a bit bored, sorry!!!
Have a great day everyone!