Hey all.. sorry it has taken me so long to get back here.. Uhm, let's see, what's been going on with me? Well, I did have my last day of work it was 16 May.. I'm not officially retired til 11 June.. my last day in the Air Force will be 10 June... I haven't found a job yet, and that is about to drive me nuts.. I am just mortified at the thought of being unemployed.. And I am finding out, that this job hunt stuff isn't the fun at all.. most everything you have to apply online for.. and then just wait? I'm not a patient person..
Oh, and I have a new pain..
yippee for me, huh? It is in my LRQ (Lower Right Quadrant).. I went to the doc about it, 'cause I've been having the pain for about a month now, but it has gotten progessively worse.. It feels like a ripping or tearing pain.. the doc is worried about appendicits or cysts on my rt ovary.. I'm not running a fever or vomiting, so that's a good sign.. I just had a CT Scan on Monday, and I follow up with the doc on Tuesday (the 10th) for the results.. She gave me vicodin for the pain, but it isn't doing much.. Anyone have pain like this?
Kiddies are getting out of school on the 6th (finally) they can't wait! And we get my step-daughter hopefully next week for the summer.. so it's going to be busy busy around here again!
Still don't sleep for crap, as you can see, it's almost 4am and I'm still awake..
no need in going to sleep now.. I need to make hubby's lunch in a bit and send him off to work.. then I am going to meet a friend of mine for 'brunch' since she just flew into town, but will be leaving this afternoon.. I also promised to take the kids to the pool today.. woo-hoo!
Ok, I'm off to read some more.. hope you are all well.. missed you guys! Love yas! Duck