I have some spots of scaly rashes on my legs and they've been there since like June or so. The only thing is...mine are not brown, they are RED with some scaliness on top. They don't really itch either, though. I had tried all kinds of OTC creams, even the OTC steroid creams and nothing got rid of it, so I gave up b/c I was wasting money. I did show them to my Rheum..but when I told him I had these rashes, the first thing he did was look at my elbows??? Then he looked at the splotches on my legs. And what did he say?? He told me to use cortisone on them...duhhh (which I had been doing already). That was it. I should mention that I have Lupus and several arthritic joints, including my ankles, spine, and hips. When my Rheum first sent me for tests due to my spine problems, he sent me for 2 MRI's on my lower spine and the sacroiliac areas. At that time he was checking for AS but nothing showed up on MRI, so I guess he ruled that out for me. But I know Lupus can cause all sorts of rashes, but I have no clue if what I have is lupus related or something else. I have very basic insurance and I had met all my yearly caps on tests and other things very quickly..but it started over this month again. So I am debating on seeing a Dermatologist now.