Hi! I'm new here. I promise I'll get to the rheumatology part. I have herniated discs, neuropathy, diabetes etc. all in LESS THAN A YEAR! Ugh! For about
the past 3-4 months I've been having a problem with my nose. At first, I thought it was a sinus infection, then an allergy. My nasal passages are dry, sore, stuffy and swollen. I've even been using a saline gel that has aloe in it. I couldn't take it the misery anymore. I went to the allergist I saw after I had my 3rd child 20 years ago. At that time I was diagnosed with pregnancy rhinitis. It took months, but finally went away. Fast forward 20 years....
Ok, so I went to the allergist. He told me it wasn't an allergy. He ordered bloodwork and sent me immediately across the property to the ENT. He examined my nose and showed me that I have a perforated septum. WHAT??? HOW??? I've never uised drugs in my life!!! He also ordered a cat scan.
Results and advice:
Cat scan showed no infection. Keep using nasal gel. Come back in 2 months.
Blood work of ANCA and ESR:
ESR is 50H under rheumatology.
And my allergist kept asking me if I have arthritis. Which I do, but I figure mosr people do. My pain is severe, but I also have herniated discs, arthritis and nerve damage.
So I called the rheumatologist who i went to see years ago when my hand went crazy with swelling, burning, etc. I told them my sed-rate is 50. They went about nuts and said I have to be seen ASAP. I did some googling and found that a perforated septum CAN be caused by RA, as well as the swelling and dryness.
Thank you!