Posted 8/23/2017 8:32 AM (GMT -5)
Lisa, I think you really need to consider seeing another rheumatologist with current testing. I would consult with a dr that treats RA patients too. Get on the internet & look for someone in your area. No one test is used to diagnose RA, its various tests to rule out other issues. A positive ANA is not enough to make a diagnosis. People can have false positives & it happens a lot. Even with a positive ANA it can mean nothing. The blood panels checking ERS, CRP & other blood test they look at, along with xrays to check for joint damage. They can do plain film xrays, MRI's & ultrasounds of the joints of the hands & joints in the toes & feet as it hit the small joints. Just my thoughts, I would have been concerned with a dr saying I have RA based on a positive ANA, because that alone is just not enough to dx a person. I urge you to go to some reputable websites, such as the Mayo Clinic or NIH & read up on how RA is dx'd & the symptoms. Just had another thought, does your drs have a patient portal where you can go in & print off test results? If so, you can get your records that way.
I know one dr said its Fibro, it could be. I see you have UC, this can cause the mouth ulcers. I have had more than my fair share of those even when not in a flair. Dry eyes think about seeing an ophthalmologist for that.
I know you are miserable but I think you need to get another opinion especially with two drs being in conflict.
Take care.