Posted 2/26/2018 8:39 PM (GMT -5)
I had the strangest experience Saturday night. My new doctor prescribed 10 milligrams of prednisone 4x a day for a very bad flare of fibro and RA. Saturday was fine, but Saturday night I was getting ready for bed and went downstairs to brush my teeth. At some point, I noticed the wall and sat down fascinated. I thought the wall was moving, and I was convinced a pink spot on the wall was a tiny fish. I kept pushing the spot playing with the fish. Eventually the wall got wet, and I COULD PUT MY FINGERS IN THE WALL, and play with the sand. Hubby came over, was shocked and called 911, I had a CT scan and blood work, but I was fine. The ER doctor said it was the high dose of prednisone! I have always hated the stuff, I prefer Kenalog shots, and my new RA office has never given them to me. Has anyone else experienced hallucinations?