OK, so having been just recently Dx'd, now I have few questions about
meds, progression on disease, "catching it early", etc.
I have taken one dose of MTX (boy it's nice not to have to remember how to spell that each time); I also am taking naproxyn. While my doc didn't say to take folic acid, I will since most others' docs recommend it and my boss (former rheum.) says he always had his pts. take it.
What other things are you all taking? I take a pretty good multi, fish oil, and calcium--although I am terrible at taking meds and usually forget to take those.
My doc has told me and I have read elsewhere, that the whole key is "catching it early". But what exactly does that mean? Is this considered early--I've only had symptoms for about 4 months. But first it was just my knees acting up (had started doing stairs for excercise). NOW--it seems to be everywhere: fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, knees, feet/toes. No hips or shoulders yet, but maybe that will happen soon!
So, what do you think it means to catch it early?
OK, also--if she is not doing any RA factor, sed rate, c-reactive something-or-other, and other blood stuff till after 3d does of MXT, then how would she know if it elevated? Are these markers elevated regardless of treatment? Or would the medicine affect the numbers?
Progression: how fast did your RA progress once you knew you had RA? Does it take years to get really bad, or can it hit you like a ton of bricks all of the sudden? I know, everyone is probably different, but I want to get some kind of gereral idea.
I am only 43 years old; I work full time; I have growing children (almost cried last night because I couldn't lift my DD into the shopping cart without my arms being in pain). How long before I can't work anymore????
Sorry for so many questions. Sigh. This last 14 mos. have been tough; hubby Dx'd with crohn's in Novemeber (after months and months of all kinds of testing), now this.....