well I went to see my rhuemy yesterday. The results to my MRI were back. It showed that there is lotsa wear and tear in my back, but not what she was looking for. Therefore we are still at a loss as to what is wrong with me. I KNOW I AM IN PAIN, and that there IS something wrong! I just WISH my rhuemy could figure it out! I am getting upset that she cant. I dont go see her until October now...unless I get new symptoms I guess. Now she wants me to go see my family doctor and just try and work out pain medications to help with managing the pain, and stay on my 400mg of plaquenil daily. So needless to say I am frustrated once again!
She also told me that being out in the sunshine this summer to load up on the sunscreen (which all doctors do....) but to do this because being outside in the warm sun will make me sore and achy. Has anyone else heard of that?... because cold rainy/snowy days make me ache. Being inside where its warm helps, so I would have assumed being outside in the nice warm sunny day
would be a good thing. Doesnt make sense to me....
I will be using sunscreen anyway this summer as I will be bald!! My sister and I have challenged our local public school to raise $1000 to donate to Cancer Society, and said we would shave our heads completely bald if they raise it. WELL....they have raised that much and more! Not sure of the exact amount yet, but am sure as of Monday April 27th we will have no hair! For such a great cause!!! But sunscreen wasnt really the issue, as all doctors warn you to wear it, the being achy in the nice weather is a concern. Kinda makes me feel like shes saying become a shut-in because ALL weather makes you achy and sore...
well look at me I have wrote a book...sorry...just flustered again I guess....Hope you all have a great week-end. Happy Hump Day!! ((gentle hugs))