Hi Kara,
I battled with this for ten weeks after a bout of pneumonia. So I know your agony. In my case they thought it was pleuracy until my GP saw me and realised it was probably arthritis rearing its ugly head in yet a new location!!!
My rheumy ended up injecting several ribs with cortisone plus put me on 15mg of prednisone per day for a few months, i'm slowly winding back off the pred. Now on 7.5 mg, trouble is I keep flaring with the decrease. I've had bronchitis twice! I'm on humira and mtx as well. Now she has upped my mtx to 15mg per week in the hope of countering going off prednisone. But the long and short of it is, the injections really worked for me. She injected the hot spots, I had lots of general pain and refered pain but the really bruised spots seemed to be the main source.
Another friend found humira worked for her, I had to go off the humira while recovering from pneumonia and had a horrendous flare at that time so whether thats why I got the costichondral pain I don't know but it was agony to breathe and I lived on painkillers, now I'm pretty good rib wise just the odd twinge especially if I'm coughing.
Hope you find some relief soon.