I have an appointment. Okay, Golitho, you are making me shudder, mouse protein? What? Did your breathing difficulties, happen pretty much just the day after your dosing? Where you woke up in an asthma attack like state? I have shortness of breath off and on, but it is the worst the very day after..I've had an actual chest x-ray and it was completely clear. Thankfully, it isn't to the point where my face is swelling etc, nothing quite that severe, but it is to the point, that it resembles the days of asthma attacks when I would seriously be searching in my bag for my inhaler. Today? I'm breathing just fine! I feel almost borderline insane for making the appt., but Tuesday morning, did not feel well at all.
I don't remember having this issue the first time around on the Enbrel, MTX..if it isn't one thing it is another!