Posted 3/7/2019 7:50 AM (GMT -5)
Morning, and thanks. I too know that allot of disorders causes allot of disorder🤢
It is hard sometimes, but eventually I can finally figure it out.
I have had gastric emptying tests and my stomach anyway does not work correctly. I also know that when it doesn’t work correctly there is allot of other functions that don’t function correctly.
What I don’t know is how to get a complete diagnosis to be able to then to work toward somewhat of a solution.
I always know that gut issues are really tough, nausea the worst and that where they are anxiety isn’t far behind causing even more gut symptoms.
I spent some time with Dr. Micheal Cline at the Cleavland Clinic online. He is amazing and speaks the words I can’t. If you want to understand the function or non-function as the case may be google Gastoparesis (paralyzed gut) and Dr. Micheal Cline. There is a pod cast you can listen to or read. It is me in a nut shell.
But I am not in the US. I am in Canada....where healthcare is “free”🤨 so long as you don’t expect much....but the years you wait for it.
I do have a good rheumy for the Lupus/Sjogren’s and she is good. But she has to send me to the gastroenterology clinic and well, that group remind me of allot of amebas in a Petrie dish bumping into each other and getting nothing definitive done ever. Never have I seen the same doctor twice in that clinic. Forget about follow-up. I have searched and found no Dr. Micheal Cline here sadly enough. Thanks tuffymason