Posted 2/14/2012 11:47 AM (GMT -5)
Sjogren's can give you dryness in any and all of your normal moist body areas, but it can be present in any of them independently of the others. For instance, you may have dry eyes only, dry mouth only, etc, or any in combination. The idea that you cannot have Sjogren's because you don't have dryness in one particular area (vagina) is NUTS! And wrong.
Your eye dr should have started you off with an OTC eye lubricant for first treatment of dry eyes. If that isn't enough, there is prescription Retastis for treatment, also eye plugs and some other things. There is a specific test they use to measure eye moisture & tear production.
Your dentist should have recognized dry mouth - there are OTC Botene products (mouthwash, gum, toothpaste) that help with the issues. I can't recall if the prescription Retastis helps that as well or not.
Your rheumy should have been able to recognize & diagnosis Sjogren's from symptoms, he should know about both the eye & mouth issues. There is a blood test that can be run, also a lip biopsy helps confirm it -- my dr diagnosed from symptoms only.
I would try the over -the-counter treatments and if you don't find relief, get an opinion from a second rheumy - I don't think much of the one you are using now.
Best wishes!