My psychiatrist, whom I like and trust, says that now is not a good time for me to find a counselor, because I'm really unstable as far as meds go. He says that, once I'm stable on meds, that would be a good time to find a counselor.
I did go ahead and find a counselor, despite my psychiatrist's words, but the counselor, a psychologist, and I didn't connect. I went in with a list of problems that I wanted to address, and after only about three meetings, she was simply not comprehending what I was talking about and where I was trying to get to. So, I stopped seeing her. Maybe it isn't the time to see a counselor.
What do you folks think? Hunt up a counselor? (And we know how much work it is to find a good one, don't we?) Or wait until I stabilize on meds? (May that happen!)
Thanks for any advice you can give me.
Havana, a newbie