First welcome, there is a lot of good advice around here, you might want to do a search to find previous threads on BP and pregnancy. I'm a man, so not much help there. LOL LOL LOL
But on BP i can definetly help. Yes meds suck, it isnt easy to find the right combination that work for you. ALso you havnt had alot of tiem to delevelope the coping mechanisms (some good, some bad) us older BP people have.
First start with a mood chart, these are fantastic for finding what your triggers are. I for one found exhaustion, and emotional upset to be two huge triggers in my life. So in addition to taking my meds, i try to get enough rest and i avoid as many situations where i can become wrapped up in emotionally. Does this mean i have to limit myself to certain things and exclude others? Yep it does. Think of it as a diet of the mind.
Next, and this is very hard, you have to be completely open with your doctor about what is and isnt working. The more correct information you can give them, the better they can plan your treatment of your desease. There are good meds out there, and it will be hard, but you just need to devote the time to finding what works for you. And if they arnt helping you need to tell your doctor that.
And you are not alone. We all fight this desease, we understand you. There is a line from a movie i like alot "There isnt a soul in this world that isnt carrying some kinda burden." Other people have different problems, but we can all still support each other.
It takes alot of time and work to learn to live with this desease. But you cant give up. If you do BP will own you, and i would much rather own BP. Yes there are bad days, but there are good days and even some great ones. Try to remember that when you are down, i've been there also, even to the point of self harm, and im glad i got thru cause tommrrow is allways another day to make things better.
Good luck .