Hi Geosparkie
I have a bipolar mother. She did crazy ape-crap things. I always thought of her as the evil ***** queen, who woke me up at random times during the night and made me do the laundry or pull out all the dishes and re-wash them before school or the mother who beat me in my bed because she was unsatisfied with my report card. Sometimes I was just lost and confused, not sure what was going on, learned to resent her and blame her for all my troubles and moved to China. No joke. Until I started having my own issues I never understood where she was coming from.
She never got better until she found a combination of medication, and therapy, years after I moved out at the age of 15, having attempted to kill myself the hospital refused to release me into my parents custody so I had to have another adult friend release me and lived with them for awhile. Anyway, long story short it seems also after she went through menopause that she's calmed down quite a bit. For her, she said it was a chemical imbalance in her brain. For some people it can be. I'm not familiar with bi-polar disorder myself other than having dealt with the manic-depressive episodes as a child.
As a child that went through all of that, I've manifested in some pretty severe anxiety and depression throughout my life, having attempted suicide in highschool and having dealt with massive anxiety all my life...until recently I've come to terms with all that.
What I can tell you is that my therapist who has done research on childhood development is that children who grow up in an unchecked manic-depressive environment often have quite a few issues. I think I'm lucky.
I would recommend you do what you need to keep those kids absolutely safe and healthy. Your wife should be the second priority in all this. I know where I'm coming from is totally one-sided as I haven't dealt with bi-polar disorder myself, and I don't want to paint bi-polar disorder in an ugly way, just share with you that I feel strongly you need to think about
the kids first and then try and assess what may or may not be going on with your wife.
I think only a trained professional could give you any real advice on this.
My mom and I have a solid relationship now, we've come full-circle, she just needed to find her balance in life. I hope your wife, no matter her state of being, finds balance and that you get the answers you are looking for.
Post Edited (Joshua88) : 9/3/2013 8:04:23 AM (GMT-6)