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Asymmetrical mammogram with previous cancer
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Breast Cancer
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New Member
Joined : Jan 2010
Posts : 2
Posted 1/23/2010 7:23 PM (GMT -5)
I am 42 years old. When I was 29 I had cervical cancer and had to have a hysterectomy. about six months ago I had a colonoscopy; they found "something" but said they caught it in time. Last week I had my first mammogram (Yes, I know, STUPID!). Anyways, they told me that my right breast is asymmetrical and I have to go in for another mammogram. So, the question: Can a person be "prone" to cancer? I know cancer can run in families and such, but if you have cancer once (maybe going there twice if not caught?), does that mean your body is more likely to be making crazy cells? Thanks for any input. I know this is probably a stupid question, but honestly, I hate having to ask questions so have never gone there with my doctors. Yes, I know (again), STUPID! I like to pretend I'm very positive and not worrying about it with my doctors and, even more so, my family. But then when you're alone the questions start running through your mind, you know? Thanks again
Veteran Member
Joined : Jul 2003
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Posted 1/24/2010 5:18 PM (GMT -5)
You are not stupid for getting a mammo at 42, but very smart! Good for you!
Unfortunately, the answer is yes, some people are prone to cancer with genetic predispositions. Having a BRCA 1 or BRCA2 mutation can place you at higher risk for certain cancers, including breast, colon, prostate (men) and ovarian. If you have one of the genetic mutations from the BRCA gene, you probably have other family members with a history of these cancers especially at a young age.
However, many of us believe that the absence of a genetic marker does not automatically mean there is none, just means that there is probably one that has not yet been discovered.
With your history, if it were me, I would stay under close surveillance with the medical team, don't let them ignore you and consider seeing a genetic counselor at a cancer center to discuss your options.
And tough as it is, try not to worry too much about
the mammogram just yet...there are so many people who have to have multiple views taken just to get a better read on something. Very good chance that there is nothing, but worrying won't change the outcome. Advocate for yourself and don't stop till you are satisfied with the replies and the care.
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Joined : Jan 2010
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Posted 1/24/2010 6:14 PM (GMT -5)
As far as my family, It's just me and one niece with thyroid cancer. The rest have everything else on the doctor's list, including diabetes, liver problems, heart problems, cholesterol, etc., but not cancer.
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