Posted 1/28/2012 10:36 PM (GMT -5)
My sister recently got dx with Lobular Invasive BC, stage 3, both progesterone and estrogen receptor positive. She is 40. She is going through chemo presently to shrink the tumor to a size where breast reconstruction is possible after mastectomy. She is upbeat despite baldness, etc.
My dr recently found a mass in my breast that has more than doubled in size in the last 6 months. It's about 2.5 cm. Had mammo which showed nothing except EXTREMELY DENSE breasts, so little is visible. I was sent for an ultrasound where 3 other areas were checked in addition to mass (dr's request). The determination was extremely dense cystic breasts but the mass was said to be "likely glandular fibrous tissue".. I think if it's grown that much that I should get it removed.. Ultrasound tech and radiologist said that based on u/s, that there was no indication for biopsy needed but I could follow up with surgeon if I wanted to.
Any thoughts? And how often do siblings develop lobular invasive breast cancer... sis is only 5 years younger than me. Thanks.