I saw the surgeon on Wednesday. He is doing a removal biopsy on Thursday and he is pretty sure the biopsy results are benign. His office was so plain and almost shabby and while I was waiting for him, I thought about
leaving and finding another surgeon. Boy am I glad I didn't. He gave my husband and I all the time we needed, answered every question and he kept telling us to concentrate on the removal biopsy. He was really calm and thoughtful and helped us to calm down.
On a side note. one reason we were so scared was that when we read the reports,which we had to get to bring to the surgeon, we saw that in 2001 the report noted a "suspicious area" and no one ever mentioned it to me. The 2003 report noted the same area and again no one ever mentioned it to me.
The problem with that was that after 20 years of mammograms with nothing unusual ever report, I became over-confident and careless about
getting in annually. I know I was wrong and foolish, but I certainly would have been more diligent about
annual exams if I had know that there was a suspicious area they wanted to keep an eye on.
From now on when I have a mammogram, I going to make certain that my primary care doctor gets a copy since I see him every 3 months.
I want to thank everyone for their support over the past week. I will get back to all after Thursday and certainly let everyone know the biopsy results. Daily I try to ask for mercies for all people dealing with illness. I have done this for years as it helps me to think about
others and keep my life in perspective and be grateful for all I have. Of course this means more to me now than ever before. Best wishes to all. Linda