Just a few questions.... First time on this board, but almost a three year veteran on the prostate cancer board.
My sister (age 52) had a biopsy today. Found a suspicious lump and suspicious mamogram and ultrasound. She's been thru this before and it was benign, but you all know how scary this stuff is.
She gets her results next week. IF there is a maligancy found, what type of information is included in the biopsy (grading, staging, etc)?. Are other tests ordered at that time (with my Prostate cancer, they wouldn't talk talk too much about surgery until AFTER a bone scan and CT scan)? What follow up questions might be helpful?
We all certainly hope and pray that this is just another "scare", but we do have a strong family history (monther, aunt, grandmother with BC, uncle and myself with PCa). I just want to get in a little preparation in case the news is bad. In my own cancer joorney I found that 1) knowledge is power, and 2) the brothers and sisters-in-arms we have found on HealingWell are a true Godsend.
All suggestions...and prayers...welcomed! Thanks!