Recoveryme2day said...
Hey guys, yes I know what the CFS label can carry but we aren't here to make newspapers, doctors or the public at large happy, we are here to help each other through the maze of different diagnosis and general misinformation and to make this site available to any and all sufferers of this disease in all its incarnations. An example, I don't have ME or its possible I just haven't been tested, does that exclude me from this site? This is just my input, if you guys want to send a message to you are absolutely free to do so.
The reason for a name change is not to make newspapers or anyone happy...It's like you said, its to help each other. A name that demeans all of us will not do that. M.E. is now widely used as a replacement for CFS, but that doesn't mean CFS has to be ditched (for the sake of people who are confused). I just think M.E. should be included. We all know that suffering from this disease is only part of the dilemma. The other part is trying to explain and justify our symptoms to people who hear a name like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and immediately tune us out. If we want to be treated well, respected and funded, we have to be the ones to demand that respect. We as patients SHOULD NOT stand for a name that demeans us. Nobody is going to change the for us, unless we demand it. That's just my opinion and I respect whatever opinion anyone has on this. Just my 2cents. Recoveryme2day, thanks for the Admins info.