This was like reading about
myself! I too have recently recovered after a nightmare lasting 3 yrs. 2 months. During this time I was so ill, I thought I would die. No one could find out what was wrong with me, all my tests and blood work revealed a healthy woman. I was anything but. I lost 35 lbs., I had a right eye ptosis and facial droop and too many terrible symptoms to list here.
This illness robbed me of over three years of my life, as there was no quality left, I just had to manage to get through each day. Over the years I got worse and worse and then a couple of weeks before Christmas, I had stomach pain which I ignored for about
a week because pain and suffering was just a part of me. My appendix finally ruptured. The surgeon said that a portion of my intestines, about
6 inches, was necrotic and removed! I did develop pneumonia, unfortunately, with other complications, so I was in the hospital for 2 weeks. I was on a lot of IV antibiotics, I was even in ICU for a few days. But while recovering from all of that, I started to realize that I didn't have that awful, so sick was gone!
I honestly think that I was slowly being poisoned by the toxins in my body and that my body was in overdrive trying to protect me. It was so difficult to describe my symptoms, I only knew that I was very, very sick.
I have already weaned off of the antidepressant that I was on for years. And I am in the process of weaning off of Klonopin right now. I am concentrating on living and loving life again. I never thought that I was going to recover! And I too had every test there is, as I had all the signs of Myasthenia Gravis, CFS, Meiges syndrome, dystonia, etc...But I never had a CT Scan of my abdomen!
To anyone in this condition I say....Never give up! And make sure that you listen to yourself. You know that it is not in your head, you know that you are ill! Good luck to you!