Posted 6/14/2015 11:04 PM (GMT -5)
It isn't CFS, Lyme, M.S. or even Lupus or Parkinson's---Its MULTIPLE systemic infectious disease syndrome aka M.S.I.D.'s
I've been studying/researching these chronic illnesses since 2007 due to my own 'mystery illness' that seems to have begun when I was flying back to the U.S. from SE Asia the summer of '07' when I ended up with a viral respiratory infection. However, as far back as 2004 I'd been diagnosed w/allergies,vertigo, depression, severe PMS caused migraines, and G.E.R.D.
May 2010=My 1st Igenix Lyme test revealed indeterminates/food intol test revealed MANY sensitivities therefore went gluten free, dairy free, nitrites free, msg free etc etc etc
I was treated for thyroid disorder, migraines, and G.E.R.D
June 2012 discovered by endoscope, that I DID NOT HAVE G.E.R.D.& was diagnosed w/a severe magnesium deficiency due to being on prilosec/nexium/pepcid since 1998!!! Also, a sever D deficiency...I had my gall bladder removed July 2012 and STILL had stomach pain, nausea, squeezing around middle w/shortness of breath sensation. Gall bladder removal and diet change didn't resolve stomach illness that is Episodal. For TWO YEARS my MD insisted that it's just my food intolerance, hormone imbalance, and D deficiency that caused all my symptoms that were getting worse year after year
June 2014-I started seeing an ND who believed that I was really ill and not just a psyche patient.
She ran another Lyme test which revealed 1positive **band & the rest indeterminate however she also ordered a viral & other bacterium panel which revealed positive HIGH for reactivation of the very powerfully destructive virus that's the true culprit of AIDS-however I'm HIV negative!!! My killer t-cells aka CD57 low also. Negative for Bart. But positive for Mycoplasma!
Treatment began w/U.V.B.I to drive down viral load
Herbal ABX and many supplements such as curcumin, Nac, & HM chelate for heavy metals detox which revealed HIGH toxicity.
I did 2 courses of I.V heavy metal chelation but my body doesn't detox well so had to stop.
It's been one year since U.V.B.I. & the HHV 6 is active again-Uhg!!!
The chronic illness state is one that multiplies over time. For me, it started w/my immune system being weakened by metal toxicity; so much so that when I was exposed to serious infections over time I collected them up. I stored up enough inflections that caused a childhood illness known as rosiola=HHV-6 to reactive which has resulted in an AIDS like illness.