Posted 6/21/2015 11:42 PM (GMT -5)
The Dr's and scientists I listed in the title have found CAUSES of CFS/Me, & M.S.
According to their studies, patience suffering with these chronic illnesses are not getting treatments that which could lead to a cure vs just prescriptions that only cover the symptoms...
Here's a few good books, 'The virus within', and 'Why can't I get better'
I recently viewed the YouTube video of the research done by Jose Montoya out of Stanford-he's finished his year-long study looking into the CAUSE of CFS/ME, and M.S. His research reveals that these illnesses are caused by having one, or most often more than one of the human herpes viruses:
Hsv1=herpes simplex virus 1
Hsv2=herpes simplex virus 2
HHV6= virus becomes reactivated from the dormant rosiola illness
Ebv=the herpes virus that causes mono(if had as a young child it can reactivate as an adult)
HHV4=the chicken pox virus comes back as shingles
There's also cytomegalovirus-a real Humdinger!!!
Of all the CFS case studies; they ALL had a combination of these herpes viruses alongwith chronic bacterial infections of either chlamydophila pneumoniae and/or Mycoplasma