Posted 7/5/2016 1:00 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Inwinder, I am a new member and passing thru to study more on CFS again...
Your note stopped me since it is very similar to me.
My symptoms are almost the same as you, been that way for two years. Started a diagnosis in June 2015 of CFS, FM and thyroid issues. This was finally diagnosed after 10 doctors looking from every angle.
I went to a specialist that addresses these issues. Lots of blood testing. Found some areas off the ideal range. My Thyroid was off, testosterone,Killer T off, C4a high. So lots of supplments, T3 and testosterone.
At first the treatment helped a bit but then I dipped down and dipped hard. So its been determined after looking at other indicators of lymes that its is Chronic Lymes. I have never tested positive in a blood test for lymes. Lymes bacteria is very good at hiding.
So check out lyme symptoms and I then suggest blood testing to search for it (lots of details on lymes page, check it out.
I am not saying that it could be lymes, but it is worth looking at, see if your symptoms align, if you think it could be go to a LLMD (Doc that understands Lymes). Please see the "read me first" in lymes page.
For me now I wish I would have pushed sooner to determine if lymes. If lymes it is something to address.
Depression - yes huge for me, if the first set of meds dont help go back to your psychologist. Also get a good counselor to help. For me this is part of my treatment plan.
Hope that helps.
hang in there I know this is all painful, neurological symptoms are wild, and depression is brutal. I have bad symptoms too, it is hard, you need to fight...All the best.