Posted 7/15/2015 10:38 PM (GMT -5)
I've been reading the different posts. No matter what, ever, let anyone tell you, you're being a, hypochondriac. We all share most of the same symptoms. Some worse than others. But, from what I can see, everyone is, suffering. I saw one post on another thread. I have to assume it came from a nurse of Doctor. Some kind of healthcare provider. They said, " I see this a lot, " chronic fatigue" It always seems to be they are getting enough, activity or eating too much or not enough " This is the kind of statement and judgement that drive, very sick people, over the edge. I've had doctors, look up my nose, look at my arms and imply I was a drug addict looking for, drugs. As if I wasn't sick enough, and it took everything I had just to get to that, appt. Or, family members with their, " well if you would try this or that, etc. as if you haven't already tried everything. I would pray every night, to make it one more day. I did that for, 3 years. Finally, it had to stop. I went to the, PA that diagnosed me. At that time it was, mono. but after 6 months, she called the, CDC, they told her it would be called, CFS, and just nothing could be done. So, that is when I decided. The symptoms are what is causing the stress, and the stress causes more symptoms. Not able to sleep. For 3 years I would sleep in, 15 minute naps. Never a full nights sleep. so, off and on everyday for, 3 years I would get a short nap. I told the PA, I can't do this anymore. I'm sick, I'm tired, I hurt, I can't sleep, I have no life. I feel guilt, anxiety, anger, depression, etc. I need help so I can sleep, I need pain relief, and I need at least an ounce of energy. So, we got all that so its just right, not too much or not enough. So, i can sleep, I don't feel rested when I get up after, 10-12 hours of sleep, but it was, 10-12 hours I didn't have to think about it, or feel it. I had pain control so I could have peace from that...and could move around, get a shower, etc..without all the pain. Some pain, but it was bearable..and energy, she gave me an amphetamine. Its a very small dose. She had given me a larger dose but it was too, this small dose make it possible for me to get up, shower get dressed and do short periods at a time of, house work. or a little in the yard. I even have a vegetable garden. I've put myself on a, strict diet. No wheat, no sugars, no dairy. Everything I eat is organic, grass fed, etc. I'm taking a, cell detox supplement and taking, B12 and D3, magnesium and calcium, all live raw, supplements. As I am starting to feel better, I can cut back on the meds. I still have dizzy spells, blurred vision, different areas that still hurt..I still can remember anything ...if not for my husband I don't know what I would do. He's become my memory, and when needed, when I'm having the blurred vision, or dizzy. He does the driving. He takes me to my appts. so he can listen for me. If not, when I get home, I can't remember anything they said. But, so far, at least now I don't sit and cry trying to get ready to go to that appt. I did a lot of crying, just trying to do anything, it would hurt so much or I was so, exhausted...So, I'm hoping and praying that a year from now..the organic, detoxing, etc..will have made a big difference. It sure can't hurt. But, I could not do another year, with pain, no sleep, no energy and so tired that was painful. the harder I tried, the worse things got. so, that is what I'm doing to try and turn this around.