Posted 2/26/2017 10:46 AM (GMT -5)
A little bit about myself, I am a college student who has been dealing with Lyme Disease for almost three years. I was first diagnosed in 2014 by my infectious disease specialist, and received treatment with Doxycycline for 6 weeks. Once I stopped the medication, I got all my symptoms back full force. My doctor then put me on an additional two weeks of Doxy but I did not feel any effect from it. I tried an herbal supplement protocol for 4 months and I didn't feel any improvement. I even tried having my infectious disease specialist switch antibiotics, so I tried Zithromax for a 2 weeks and I had to stop because I was experiencing extreme fatigue a few hours after I took it. I've bounced around from many doctors, including LLMDs, with no results, but most recently, I found an LLMD that may have the answer to getting me well. At my appointment I brought him all the bloodwork I have received from 2014 until now and my most recent bloodwork said that the Borrelia came out positive. Both the iGG and the iGM came out positive and it was the strand p41. The first time Lyme came out positive for me in 2014, it showed a different strain (p39) instead of p41 and only the iGM showed up positive. What exactly does this mean? Do you think I am still dealing with Lyme or was my Lyme treated and do I have chronic fatigue as a result? In my doctor's opinion, he thinks my Lyme was already treated and I am now dealing with chronic fatigue.
The treatment that my most recent LLMD wanted to start me on was low dose Naltrexone, glutathione drops, vitamin b6 P5P, sublingual B12, and activated charcoal for detoxing. I'm a little skeptical about the prescription. Has anyone tried LDN and has it cured or managed their fatigue? The only severe symptom I am experiencing is fatigue, but I notice that exercise and the heat makes my fatigue worse. I occasionally get headaches and forgetfulness, but it's manageable.
Lastly, my LLMD asked me if I had any strange symptoms and I told him that on my latest bloodwork, they did a food allergy test and it said I was allergic to beef. It's funny because even before I found out my food allergies, I noticed every time I ate beef I would feel unusually tired a few hours after eating it. My doctor found that kinda odd and suggested that I could have Stari - an infection caused by a lone star tick. Do you think this may be the case? Knowing that the Lyme blood tests are inaccurate, my doctor suggested a DNA test for Lyme. Should I get a DNA Lyme test to confirm if I still have it or is it not accurate?
Thank you,