Posted 3/2/2018 11:44 AM (GMT -5)
I have had a "fever of unknown origin" for 2.5 months now. The last time I was at work was before Christmas (I am on leave right now).
This all kicked off with the worst sickness of my life. I thought I had a really bad case of the flu as I got sick right after flying. I can tell you the exact date and time I became sick (December 18th). After the new year, I went to the doctor because I felt like I'd been on the verge of death for over two weeks at this point. Got put on a zpack, which cleared up some sinus pressure I was having but the fever and major fatigue remained. I also lost about 10 pounds the first month I was sick because I had NO appetite. My appetite is now normal, but this fever remains...
The fever is low grade (between 99-100 F). I have had tons of bloodwork done to no avail. My CRP is mildly elevated (.54 with a normal range of 0 to .29) and my IgM immunoglobulin is low, but IgG and IgA are normal. I tested positive for past EBV and CMV, but no current infections. Many negative lyme tests. Negative for all kinds of hepatitis, HIV, etc. Had a CT scan that turned up nothing by a thyroid nodule. I've been told we can monitor the thyroid nodule, but all my thyroid lab work is normal so that's apparently not the issue. My CBC is normal. Normal ANA and rheumatoid factor.
After seeing infectious disease, cardiology (normal echocardiogram and holter monitors), and endocrinology, I was sent to rheumatology. She seemed frustrated I was there, and told me "I have no idea why they sent you to me, this isn't a rheumatology issue". I don't know where to turn next. I am sick, and no one can find a reason.
People are starting to throw around the term "post viral syndrome". Apparently you can have low grade fevers with PVS according to some of the doctors I've seen. When you punch that into google, you get articles on CFS - although I'm not convinced this is the same. I'm a 28 year old female who was healthy before this...
I guess I'm just here looking for support. Is this really what could be causing my problems? I'm afraid that despite this extremely expensive and thorough workup that we've missed something else dangerous. Meanwhile, my life has ground to a halt... I was supposed to move in July to start a new job, and I'm afraid I won't be able to if things continue like this.