Posted 5/1/2017 3:01 AM (GMT -5)
Hello everyone, first off Im just glad to read and hear everyone's stories here, I'm quite relieved to see that I'm not the only one with the exact same symptoms here. My problems first started when I had a car accident durng Christmas day of 2012, i havent really put much thought into it until I developed scary symptoms, Overtime I became really depressed and anxious, it was the by the end of 2016 December, that my symptoms became worse, acid reflux got worse, tmj, neck tightness, super sensitivity to sound and noise and supermarket / mall lights, vertigo and imbalance while trying to stand or sit still, and also feeling faint while talking and after eating. Came to the point the I cant even walk on my own outside.So i came to a chiropractor last february 2017 for treatment and found out i have a misaligned atlas, and loss of cervical spine, curvature, really glad that my condition almost instantly disappeared, I can walk fine again, eat and breathe well, my chest feels light, and I can tolerate movement and sounds at a crowded mall again. until up to the time that I got a sudden panic attack last march 17,(supposedly from red bull) my chest started palpitating and was really painful and was fewling faint and dizzy again I thought i was having a heart attack but eventually doctors in the ER did ecg and heart is normal and told me i had a panic / anxiety attack, now it seems im back to square one with my symptomps, gets worse when im inisde a well lit mall, talking to someone, or trying to stand still in line or at church. I'm only at 29 yrs of age and I'm really losing my mind and sinking into depression and too much anxiety again.