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Ruggedtoast follow up, still getting better
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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Regular Member
Joined : Apr 2006
Posts : 44
Posted 12/23/2006 3:33 PM (GMT -5)
Hello all, I have been taking paroxetine for the CFS as recommended by my doctor. Im on a half tab (50 mls?) a day and am still improving. The rate of recovery has been like a bell curve with an 80% improvement in the first month and a slower improvement as time wears on. The first thing to go was the fibro and allergic type symptons.
This treatment doesnt work for everyone but I would urge you to try it if you havent so far.
New Member
Joined : Dec 2006
Posts : 9
Posted 12/23/2006 9:18 PM (GMT -5)
im guessing that youve written about
this treatment before. could you please give me a link to the other post or just some general information?
Veteran Member
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Posted 12/24/2006 7:47 AM (GMT -5)
I'm so gladto hear this has been working well for you. I tried several SSRI's and have terrible reactions to them and found out the hard way that it is not safe for me to take them. I do know they have helped a lot of people though. Thanks for the update - it's good to hear some good news. Mark, paroxetine is generic Paxil which is an SSRI antidepressant. I have read that some people with CFS and fibro tend to have lower levels of chemicals like seratonin in their brains. A lot of docs will try a trial of an SSRI when someone has severe fatigue but no positive bloodwork when labs are done.
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Posted 12/27/2006 2:45 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks Hippimom. Mark, you can search for me by username and get my previous posts, otherwise they were pretty much like this one. I take 50 mls a day of paroxetine and have done for a few months now.
Prior to this I had suffered from debilitating cfs for several years. I also had fibromyalgia like symptoms. I could rarely sleep for more than an hour without waking up at nights and felt terrible most days, I was also getting sick all the time too.
I had stomach trouble too and went on a really aggressive anti candida diet which actually helped a fair bit with the fatigue but was so restrictive it was very hard to keep up with. I subsequently found a product called Threelac which worked almost as well for the candida but didnt keep up the energy gains Id made with then diet.
In desperation I went to my doctor and she recommended this treatment. Its not without side effects. Ironically the anti depressant actually makes me a bit depressed, and I can only take 50mls a day or I fell very agitated and wired. It also reduces libido and somewhat aggravates a long standing skin problem I have but I consider these side effects to be minor compared to the reward of getting my life back.
In my case 80 percent of the gains made so far with the fatigue were experienced within the first 4 weeks of use, the very first thing being my sleep immediately became normal again and I found myself sleeping restfully for hours.
I can only speculate on why this treatment works for me at the moment but Id recommend it if you havent tried it yet.
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Joined : Dec 2006
Posts : 9
Posted 12/31/2006 11:59 AM (GMT -5)
thanks. that does sound risky, but like you say it may well be worth it. ill mention to my gp. i also have a long standing skin problem which in a way is the most aggravating of all the side effects, i would be interested to know if it is the same one, or if you have ways of dealing with it. ill post a topic about
it when i have more time and energy
Regular Member
Joined : Apr 2006
Posts : 44
Posted 1/2/2007 4:24 PM (GMT -5)
Ive had acne ever since i was a teenager. I found that about
5 grammes a day of vitamin b5 eliminates most of it but when I tool the paroxetine it stopped working and my skin started to get bad again. Ive since found that multi b-vitamin supplements has got rid of it though which is good.
My doctor has referred me to have CBT as she says its very effective for chronic fatigue as well.
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