Posted 4/12/2016 8:02 AM (GMT -5)
I just signed up reading this waiting to get in to my lDr. Mine started pretty much the same but I had a high fever and pulled a couple ticks off me. ( nothing new.) got sick a week or two later thought it was bronchitis and I had a z pac at home so I took it. Didn't get better so went to e room and they gave me strong antibiotics for tick diseases. Went to my dr. A week later still sick with fever he gave me another round and told me to check back in a few days. I did still,had fever, sent to hospital they admitted me for fever for 15 days. They ran all their test said I had Rocky Mountain spotted fever antibodies. They released me my Dr. continued test ,fever another 8 months.they just did a lab my vitamin D is 11. I'm going to get mega strength D. And hopefully that's that, but I doubt it. Why did I get sick in the first place?