Posted 11/29/2012 2:15 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Katie,
Hang in there! I know what you mean about feeling you are missing out on life. I had CFS symptoms for 17 years, got diagnosed with Lyme three years ago (via an LLND at Fibro and Fatigue Center).
Now am way way better due to some recent treatment at Hansa Center. 80 percent of my fatigue is gone and hardly any brain fog. so grateful!!
CD 57 low can certainly be lyme. Only about 1/3 of the people get a bull's eye rash. I never did.
I am going to give you some advice, based on my experience of 17 years..which includes mayo clinic, very specialized lyme and cfs docs (naturopaths and regular), and years of study. Get to the Hansa Center!.
They have treated thousands of people with lyme and other chronic, hard to treat cases. I am a success story as are many many others. I would spend the money there first, rather than trying bunch of things, even specialist LLMD's and ending up there anyway (this is what I have seen with many patients).
I say this, because I had some top treatment, but Hansa's diagnostics (CRT thermography) found things none of the others found..despite extensive and specialize lab work I had done several times per year for several years. I also had ART (specialized diagnostics from Dr. Klinghardt ( a top lyme doc). Hansa's diagnostics were better! found stuff all the others missed that was crucial for my recovery.
The treatment is also different..nothing anyone else is doing that I have read about or seen. You see the doctor for an hour per day (for two weeks) and he is treating and diagnosing you for that entire hour! You get specialized remedies for your body...each day. The rest of the day you do doctor-recommended treatments like lymphatic drainage, FIR sauna, detox foot baths, massage with FIR biomat, etc.
Even if you do not have lyme, this clinic will treat you...there were people there with cancer, chronic back pain and depression when I was there. Most had been to many many docs before coming, like me.
They treat the body, not the name of the disease..meaning they will find what is causing the fatigue and address it, based on the diagnostics.
My understanding from many of my docs is that infections generally underly cfs, whether lyme or not. Also toxicity from the infections and other things.
Sorry so long, but I wanted to give you an idea of my experiences and why I am recommending them. You can google Hansa Center to get more info. And call with questions.
Good luck! You can get well!
you can email me also if you like,