Welcome to our corner of the Forum. Yes, the EBV can be verified with a blood test that you can have your PCP/Family Dr. run for you. Unfortunately there are no treatments and no specialists for EBV and your regular Dr. may not know anything about
it. Most effective treatments we get from each other and/or holistic doctors/practitioners. I should say the treatments for the symptoms we get because that's all that can be done is to treat/manage the symptoms. Don't get discouraged, it takes some time and effort but its doable and if you keep in touch with us, you will find the going not as hard when shared with people who know how and what you feel and are eager to share whatever kernel of knowledge they have with you to make your suffering a little less. Oh and definitely go to as many specialists as necessary for the myriad of symptoms you/we have. If you are having neurological symptoms see a neurologist, this disease is like a Medusa, so get as many champions as you can. And keep coming back