I posted this on the depression forum because I'm not quite sure where my quesiton belongs if anywhere and they said to try this forum. So if no one can help me here, can you maybe point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Here is what I posted on the depression forum:
Hello everyone!
I don't have depression per se but I do suffer from SAD. I get depressed in the winter/early spring months here especially with the long stretches of cloudy snow/rainy days. The rest of the year, I'm fine and my depression symptoms go away with the sunny months. It seems the older I get the worse it is becoming and I have never been on medication for it in the past. So my question to any of you that suffer from SAD and are currently on no medication for depression is....do doctors prescribed a short term anti-depressants for conditions such as this or do they not use the medicinal route with this but the sun lamps? Is the use of short term anti-depressants safe? I have never been to the doctor for my SAD and I haven't even been clinically diagnosed with it (I have all the typical symptoms though). So I was thinking of going to the doctors (to get a proper diagnoses and help) because it's hitting hard and very early for me this year. I just remember last year when it hit and I don't want to go thru those feelings again! My heart truly goes out to anyone that has to deal with those feelings on a daily basis...it's rough thats for sure.
I wasn't sure if this is the right forum for a SAD question but I figured I had to start somewhere. If it's not, can you point me in the right direction?
Thanks bunches........