Hi, I am a new comer to this forum. I have read lots of things about CFS. I do think I have it but maybe not as severe as some people. I have had multiple sinus infections for the past 8 months, I am exhausted and I have this general all over weakness. My sinus headaches get so bad that it hurts to even touch my forehead. I used to be able to work 70 hours a week but now I can barely make it 40 hours a week. I usually come home from work and take a nap. I spend all weekend recovering from work. If I do anything strenuous, like clean house, I am sore and exhausted afterwards. I went to a neurologist here in Dallas, and she told me that I had a sleeping problem and that I was extremely depressed. I know that I am depressed (I take antidepressents), but this tiredness thing is like nothing I have ever felt before. I am not sure how I can have a sleeping problem if all I do is sleep all the time. Everything is such an effort. I used to be wonderwoman. Now I am wonder-NOT! Is it possible to feel this way and not have CFS?