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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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Regular Member
Joined : Mar 2006
Posts : 423
Posted 8/9/2007 7:29 AM (GMT -5)
Has anyone tired this before?
Seems pretty interesting. The study was approved by the FDA and developed by a doctor who works for NIH. Apparently the test was done @ University of Maryland too.
Veteran Member
Joined : Jan 2005
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Posted 8/9/2007 4:10 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Orion,
I haven't tried this but here's something one of the more famous consumer advocates way you can tell something is bogus or worthless is if they are using testimonials to get you to buy. I've saved a lot of money and grief over the years living by those words.
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Posted 8/9/2007 7:02 PM (GMT -5)
It reminds me of "Activive" - another internet advertized product for chronic fatigue - which I am quite certain is full of hoopla. I've tried a lot of different natural stuff and read a lot on the net and I agree with Chutz that testimonials can be a sign that it's a hoax.
I have recently started taking rhodiola rosea. I took it for depression but it's done wonders for my energy levels. Might be worth looking into. Apparently, it supports the adrenals, liver and other things. It increases mental clarity and I notice my mind is way less tired now and my stress endurance way better too. I noticed within days the difference. I also found myself 'bounding up the stairs' for the first time in years recently. Far less fatigued than I was before taking it! There's a whole post about
it on the depresison forum you could check out.
all the best! manyembers
PS - If it says it's approved by the FDA and has had research done at the U of M, I'd follow up on that rather than taking it at face value. Recently, was it manitech? - some company like that was making similar claims and when news reporters followed up on it, apparently those claims were false or exaggerated.
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Posted 3/5/2014 10:29 AM (GMT -5)
Orion, It is now about
7+ yrs later after your last post. I read through most of your journey starting in 2005. I stumbled across your forum when I typed in google "unexplained fatigue." I myself am on somewhat of a journey to find out why I am so tired all the time as well. Anyway, you dropped off in 2007 and I am just curious as to if you ever truly found out what was causing your fatigue? If so, did you find relief? Most of my doctors are telling me it's because I have 5 little kids. That seems to be a logical explanation, but I seriously doubt it. I took alot of your same tests, the saliva tests and what not. No one can find anything. I have a sore and stiff neck all the time, headaches, sugar cravings, cold hands and feet, and tired, even 20 min after I wake up! I am now trying to work with a chiropractor and chinese medicine doctor who say that I have adrenal fatigue/kidney deficiency and low blood volume. I do take supplements for depression and anxiety too, but I just don't feel good, ever. It's taking a toll on my life and I know my kids are missing out. So, anyway, who knows if you'll even get this, but I thought I would try. Your story was so similar and I thought I would see what your conclusion was and maybe my cure lies in your testimony. Thanks, God Bless! Amy
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