CRAP! I just wrote to all Y'all volumes about what happened and is happening, got an instant message from the spousal unit, answered it and my log-on timed out here and ERASED the whole enchalata! Don't you just hate it when that happens?
Anyway, Thank You so much for yoyr enthusiastic replies! I love them and I love yuze Gize too! I'll try but don't think I can write it all over again, I may have to do it in parts if you really want to hear it all. It was a long and boring post for sure!
First may I say, I'm really sorry for leaving you hanging, I've been pretty worn out since Monday! I had to entertain my good friend Jack who's wife died 6 months ago of pancreatic cancer. He was in a bad way and needed a shoulder to cry on, it lasted passed my bedtime last night w/ no time to post!
So here's what's transpired since Monday >>> For time and typing I'll just call my exboss wb=wackoboss, Well when I gave him my written resignation, at first, he didn't believe me and just knew he could talk me out of it like the last time I resigned! He thought I was just pissed at the way he's been treating me since my surgery>NOT! I asured him it was real this time and it wasn't about being pissed or me wanting to sue his ***! It was about me, my wife, my health and my living sittuation. Of course he would have none of it. So he was pissed off and hadn't talked to me untill today. He offered my job to my friend John who took over for me while I was out not 1 minute after I left his office because before I got to my office my cell rang, it was John. "Why didn't you give me a heads up about quitting like you promissed me John said!!! John, I just quit 60 seconds ago, I had to make sure wb knew I wasn't kidding first! John accepted the job Monday afternoon, poor guy! He really hasn't a clue what he's in for as while I was out, it was quite slow and all he did was take orders, not the other 78 jobs that I do! Also, unfortunately he is starting behind the 8-ball already as he in the field as a foreman was already one of wb's favorite whipping boys! The difference being out in the field, he only got yelled at 2 or 3 times a day at the most, wait till he's right down the hall! Not to be a bragger but another BIG thing is John has never worked in an office and really doesn't know very much about purchasing other than knowing the matterials he's come across in the feild, he doesn't know one onehundreth what I do!! The boys are already taking bets on how long he'll last w/o having a breakdown or quiting!
So I know I'm dragging on and so I'll get to the meat of the news! Wb popped his head into my office this afternoon after not saying a word to me for 3 days! He had to ask me about something to do with a special order. After cluing him in on what he wanted, I looked him straight in the eyes and asked, "So Joe, are you really that pissed off at me?"
Enter the Twilight Zone>>>>> "No, why would I be pissed at you? You have to live your life, Don't you think I know how much you miss your wife? Don't you know that I've seen how you have been working in so much pain ever since you started here? Don't you know how much I apreciate how much you have done for me and the company? I was floored! So Joe, does this mean you will write me a nice letter and give me a good reference? "Of course I will, why wouldn't I?" I just don't get it???? But, tomorrow, I'll write two letters, one stating how great I am for any future employer and one stating how I've been working for him in pain for 3 1/2 years and just can't handle it anymore for Social Security Dissability if I go that rout and ask him to sign them! The guy is dam near illiterate and horably dislectic, I don't want him personally writing me anything! So dat's da news and you're up to date even though I'm sure that reading this post was very painful> Sorry!!! I know it must have been so I'll give y'all a break and stop now! The lost post was twice as long! Your lucky you didn't get that one!!
Love all of You!
PS> My friend Jack and I are going north this weekend to fish! My wife has plans and will not be around so it's a good idea for bothe Jack & Pete. nothing like being out in Mother Nature to take your mind off of stuff!!!