Posted 3/19/2010 3:07 AM (GMT -5)
Hi PuppyBreeder...
Glad you found your way to our forum... there are some wonderful, supportive people here with a wealth of knowledge and information. That being said, I'm sorry that you have chronic pain.
YES, I've been through exactly your situation. about three years into my battle with chronic pain, we moved from the Bay Area in California to the Denver, Colorado area. Same reason, too...husband's job. When I moved, I was on quite a hefty load on I knew it was going to be difficult finding, not only a good PM doctor, but one who wouldn't just look at my meds and run away. These are the things I did:
--I made an arrangement with my PM doctor to give me 3 months to find a new PM doctor... In CA (and maybe other states, I don't know), it's illegal to "post-date" Class 2 prescriptions... So, before I left, I gave my doctor's office 3 self-addressed stamped envelopes. At the end of each month, he would mail me my current prescriptions. Now, I know not all docs would do this; I had seen this doctor for a long, long time. But I think it's worth asking for.
--Next, I started searching out PM docs as soon as we got there, thank goodness! I thought I had found the "perfect" doctor - she was close to the house; convenient hours; etc. NOPE! I got there - and she was as nasty as could be. I can't even remember the conversation but she really just talked down to me; wanted to immediately start slashing my doses of medications (which were working well for me, etc); etc. The final straw for NOT seeing her I left... she introduced me to her assistant and just in a rude, sarcastic tone said "By the way, she's an excellent pill counter, because we count your pills every month!". I have nothing to hide... take my meds accordingly.... do the occasional UA for my PM doc, etc. But I would never go to a PM doc where my individual pills needed to be counted. PERIOD. (Again, just my opinion...due to the experiences I've gone through!).
--Finally, I found a wonderful PM doctor who was just awesome. I saw him for the two years that we lived there. He helped me tremendously while I was there - not only through medications; but facet blocks; epidurals; etc.
The thing I also put together was a packet of my most important medical records (important tests; dictations of important office visits; etc.)... that way, you can bring that along to show to a doctor that you might consider, but don't want to have to submit your entire medical history to quite yet (in case you don't end up staying with the doc).
Point of all of this... is YES it can be done. It takes a little work. You might see a doctor or two that you don't like. KEEP searching, because there are good docs out there. Bring as much documentation that you can. Maybe even type up a short version of your medical history and your current medications (I have this, and it's worked wonders).
Moves can be difficult and stressful... try to take really good care of yourself during this time. Hope some of this helped...