I have never been much of a pet person, something from my childhood really left me without much, I dont even know a word to use.
Enter Roxie, my daughter (the one I live with) bought rox and she was shipped here from Kansas at 8 weeks old. She is a terrier of some sort, cant remember, but she fit in my hand when she first got here. That was 2 1/2 years ago. I love her, this is not something I thought I would ever say about a dog, cat, etc. She is the kind of terrier that you see on calendars with little dogs with bows in there hair.
She is spoiled rotten just like my two grandchildren, now I would be lost without her. So I guess thats just how its going to be.
We (my daughter, her finance, Roxie and myself), they have already advised me they will be getting two larger dogs when we move into a house or townhouse. Who am I to argue, I already love Roxie, and she is part of the family, so will they be.
Never thought I would say this, but yes I love Roxie and I will love the next two coming after her.
Tender hugs, and good wishes to all, hope you are having low pain days.