Hello Coraltoe, and welcome to the best cp forum ever. I have a question for you the SCS you talk about
, is that some kind of neuro stimulator to be installed, I ask because you mentioned a trial and that is the only thing I have ever heard of that required a trial and a psyc evaluation. Whatever it is, I wish you all the luck in the world that it works for you and helps relieve your pain.
Toes are a funny thing huh? You never think about how much you need them until something happens and you find yourself having to learn to walk in a very different way. My issues are mainly in my lower back, but in 2007 I fell and somehow injured my right leg all the way down to my right toes. I have neuropathy, at first my leg from my kneecap to my toes on my right foot felt like they were on fire. The pain was unbearable, the pm doctor that was treating me for cp in my back was not at all interested in finding out what was going on or how to help me. Finally, trying to get the pain to a bearable place, I accidently overdosed. When I got out of the hospital the next morning, I found a new pm doctor.
When I saw this doctor, which was only a day after I got out, I was in tears, when he explained to me what he though was going on and he could help, I really broke down. True to his word, I received 3 injections over a 6 week period, 1 shot then I had to wait 2 weeks for the next. By the time he was finished with the 2nd injection, the burning had all but stopped, by the 3rd it was gone, never to return. I wanted to kiss him, but I knew that was not the thing to do. But to this day, I remain grateful to him, I dont know what I would have done if I had not gone to this doctor.
Well as usual I have rambled about myself, I am sorry, I really am not a selfish person, but I alway manage to turn the conversation to me and my many trips thru chronic pain.
So, glad you are on board, good luck to you and let us know how things turn out, I promise I will not ramble about myself again.
Take care,, good luck