I forgot to list my Talents here!
...Really have not given it much thought...but I suppose if I had to list one or a few,....I used to sing at Weddings, Church...and even did Barbershop for a while. I'm a deep bass...but at one time in highschool I could sing higher than any girl...and lower than any boy!
That has since left me..but I still have a very deep bass voice for singing.
Also!...not so sure it is a talent, but I do rather well at smoking meats in the smoker,...and add to that, I recieved top in class at a cooking class in highschool.
I was also a wickedly fast sprinter in school..and had a letter jacket full of medals to prove it. I was so in love with sprinting,...and so competitive,.. that I used to sneak out of my parents house at night....adorned in nothing more than my underware and a set of heavy rubber mud boots for added weight!
....and sprinted up and down a 1/4mi stretch of country road where we lived. At times I had to jump in a fleld and hug the ground...when a car came by.
Photography is probably one of my favorite Talents..again if you can call it that....and I ran a very successful business.... photographing individual and team photos....around 7000 children a year...and add to that Weddings and HS Seniors. We were busy!
Those days are long gone..but I have a good memory of them all...and enjoy reflecting on them when I lay down for a nap or a nights sleep.