Hi Guys,
Sorry it took so long to answer the questions. I've been so busy lately :[ Anyway, the bill wasn't given to me until after a year because it took the insurance company over a year to finish the fraud case. I had a zero balance, then I had a balance of about 100.00 due to the insurance company making the Dr reimburse them for the illegal charge....so no, it could not have been sent to collections yet...but they probably will. I will dispute it of course (and I have absolutely perfect credit, so I'm not too upset about that yet).
I do have legal insurance and I have called an attorney. I am waiting for the return call. It's small here and he's been in court all week. I called again today just to make sure they had all the info and they have already verified my member ID and case number with the legal insurance company.
I am hoping this is going to be a letter thing, but who knows...crazier things have happened.
I don't owe this money and I am not going to pay it...period! (I hope I don't have to eat my words....lol).
They owe me the 45.00 co-pay that I had to pay a year ago to keep the darn thing out of collections while I waited on the insurance company to do their part. It's a real mess, but as stated...it's the principle of the thing...not the money so much, though the money is an issue since I need what I have to pay my real bills.
I am going to talk to my psych about it too when I go in next week and then get it on record how much it has upset me and my anxiety condition. Perhaps there will be reprocussions if we do have to go to court because he is a cardiologist....hello...heart dr harasses patient that he fraudulently charged. It doesn't sound too good to me. I was also law enforcement, but not on this end. It was the real criminal stuff and that is why I am so certain they will claim some BS if I go in to the office.
I have to go in to the building (same area) tomorrow to my PM for med pick-up and I won't be going in to the cardiologist office for any reason!!!! They won't recognize me because they don't know me.
It is making me very nervous though!!!
Anyway, wish me luck with my attorney....turns out my daughter and his daughter have played together on occasion....so we'll see what happens there.
Thanks All!!