Posted 11/28/2012 10:47 AM (GMT -5)
Well, Kaely, given your complications, You may be right in discussing this with your doctor before proceeding with this. Remember though, some docs are hard cases about following through with their treatment plans before moving on to something else. This is CYA in most cases for insurance and FDA purposes. Though with the blood sugar thing, that's a major potential hazard, and if you aren't seeing the faintest of results by now, he should change his mind. Seems reasonable enough, but I'm no MD, I'm just working from common sense here. Remember though, it's your body, and if it comes down to it, you have the right to refuse treatment, or find another doctor if he simply refuses to listen to you.
All I can give you is my experiences. The first round of three (L4-L5) was pretty good with results lasting a good 6 months after the last shot. The second round was okay, and it was time for the third round, by the time it came around. I got bupkis out of that one. We tried one more single shot, and when I started cursing my doctor's name, he stopped, and upped my meds.
THAT BEING SAID, anyone who is reading this thread and has been advised to get the procedure by a board certified pain specialist should at least give it a go. Complications, unless you have other health issues are exceedingly rare if you've had no problems taking cortisone or steroids before. This procedure is as easy as pulling a tooth, from the doc's point of view. You numb it up, you do the thing, you wait a few minutes to make sure everything is good to go, and it's all over. The patient is generally nervous, and the staff spends more time reassuring them before the procedure than doing the actual procedure.
Some people swear by these injections, and I'm happy it works for them. There's a percentage it works for, unfortunately, I'm not in the percentage.