Hi All Thanks So much for your support
Morgan I have sent you off a quick email sorry it was short but I was about to go for a appointment when I saw it and thought id reply before I left
Today has been much the same and feeling very wiped out
and it is bad timing as I have a new puppy so every time I go to lay down he needs to go out -self inflicted my hubby says
but he is a good reason to get up in the morning
I managed to get a few things done today in a blur of pain and general overall tiredness and by 3pm was laying on bed - that's it done for the day.
I think I am worrying a bit about lowering the prednisone as I know even after the first day on lower dose is hurting and its more the fatigue its amazing how heavy my own arm is when I try to lift it or walk legs are full of lead
its odd but over the years Pain is actually sort of tolerable I try to get on with things around it but when its Everything all at once that's when I become a whinging basket case - see like now just this bit of typing and that tendon in my shoulder is Aching and burning
Sorry this was meant to be a Thank You Post Not another Whine