Recently received a call from my nurse wondering if I could make it a few more days past my refill date.
I almost laughed, but told her flat out, " Sorry?"
Seems my old PA is being shuffled around to their office over in MS. So, I wouldn't be able to see her until Friday.
They decided to keep my appt, but move it to another PA. I was a little hesitant, as you never know how a med check will go with someone new. Thankfully, it went pretty well.
Talked about
different options with my new neck/shoulder pain...and possible options with my back/leg pain.
I always knew that radio frequency/etc./whatever it's called was most likely going to happen on my neck joints, but I always wondered about
it being useful for my back.
We decided we could try it as I have SOME joint pain back there(ha).
Also, now I'm now trying Butrans patch along with oxycodone...but she made it clear she'd like me to come TOTALLY off Oxycodone and just rely on a stronger Butrans patch.
Not sure how I feel about
that...I'm on day 2 and always feel tons better than I was with JUST oxycodone alone...
She(as my previous PA) is very, very concerned with my age and tolerance. I mean, I am to...but I hate that I have to suffer/deal with more due to my age.
I hope she'll let me have maybe...10 or so percocets just as BT/back-up incase I have really, really bad days... :/
Thanks for hearing my rants...don't have any questions...but feel free to comment