I would definitely talk to her PM doctor and bring your paper work with you showing what test they are charging you for. Usually a PM doctor checks for drugs in the system, including the ones he is prescribing! Not for creatinine and some of the other stuff you mentioned. I agree with the others, the price is awfully high! Who knows that company might be over charging and even trying to get paid more than once? I mean it would not be the first time a company would be doubling billing? Something sure doesn't sound right! Maybe there is a reason they are not supplying to your insurance company with the information it needs to make a determination??? I don't think I would pay them anything either, but do keep all your paperwork and any documentation you have, including if you talk to any body about
it on the phone, time and name of person you talked to and briefly synopsis of what was said. You always want to make sure you CYA in situations such as this, because they always seem to come back and bite you if you don't!
Good Luck to You!
White Beard