Posted 9/11/2014 6:29 PM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone. I haven't been on for a while. I have chronic back/neck pain--some nerve damage, bulging discs, etc. So about two weeks ago, my knuckle in the middle of my middle finger became painful pretty much all the time. It's worse in the morning though. It hurts on the right side of my knuckle when I press it. When I'm cleaning sometimes my fingers lock for a few seconds too. But, finger is killing me and the other hand has started to bother me as well. Any advice? Could this pain be coming from my neck? I have a dr. appt in a few weeks so I'll ask. Oh, I had the rheumatoid factor test two months ago and it was negative, but RA and other autoimmune diseases do run in my family and I was diagnosed with Reynauds a few years back but the pain does not change with temperature. My therapist thinks it may be coming from my neck/back, but I'm not convinced. I'm in my 30's. I hope this is just a fluke b/c I can't imagine having this hand pain all of the time. It's painful to even type on my computer and do my everyday tasks. Please, please...any advice would be helpful.
Thank you,