no, it wasn't worth asking on here. I know what will probably happen.
have any of you ever been desperate bc the excruciating part won't stop?
I know what it is to live with pain, to tough it out, ice, heat, meds, etc. i KNOW.
but despite my many post, i guess too many, YOU DO NOT KNOW ME.
I guess I've worn my welcome here too. You will no longer hear my complaining, guess I shouldn't have posted the conversoion story dr stories, questions or anything. I'm done. I"m just done.
are you wrong, maybe not, but I can't take this from the one place I actually found support.
You know how I would have responded, "Ang if your in that much pain, you know your body. They more than likely will do nothing, and just cause more grief than help. I'm sorry your in so much pain. I hope you can see your dr soon, that would probably be best"
but DON"T blame me, or berude and telling me "I do this often".....sorry you hear more than I ever actually do I guess. But DON"T DO IT. Not now, not now.
I AM NOT A DRUG SEEKER, DOCOTR SHOPPER, DRUG ADDICT that just wants stronger meds
all I ever SEEK is RELIEF! for even one hour, some type of RELIEF
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Post Edited By Moderator (straydog) : 1/7/2015 4:35:49 PM (GMT-7)