Hi Char,
I feel for you. You know all about
my own major eye problems, so I can totally sympathize with what you are going through! Hope the eye doc helps you out next week, and that you are able to find a way to get some relief in the mean time. Ice sometimes helps me to kinda numb my eyes and the surrounding tissue. Doesn't help with the tissue behind the eye, which is where most of my pain is. But it does help with the more superficial pain. And it should help with the inflammation, too. They also do make OTC eye drops for allergies/itching. So if you don't already have some, you might consider trying them. Fortunately, my allergies aren't too bad. But they do help when I have a flair up in the springtime and get itchy eyes.
Enjoy the time with your daughter! And congrats to her (and you) on her engagement/marriage. I remember when she was first applying to college!
Hang in there!
PS - Hotpacking your eye with a tea bag -- ideally of eyebright tea, or if not, green tea -- can help with inflammation, too. Steep the tea bag in hot water for 5-10 min, as if you were making tea. Then apply the warm tea bag to your eye for 5-10 min several times a day. Just make sure that it is not too hot, first! You can reuse the same tea bag several times. Just store it in the liquid in the fridge, and then heat up the tea cup w/ tea bag before use. Or alternatively, you can soak a wash cloth in the warm tea, and apply that to your eye instead of the tea bag.
Post Edited (skeye) : 3/13/2015 7:29:34 PM (GMT-6)