Hey Jamie...I'll trade you some Mississippi sunshine for the use of your shell. MOVE OVER or exit...I just need a place to hide away in the dark. I was so sick with projectile vomiting undigested food from the weekend. Last night, I just cursed and cried out to die. These pain med trials suck and have taken the fight out of my GI system.
You know that self-isolation is not good for us! YAY YOU! that you rid yourself of the Neanderthal look. I'm not a fan of beards unless they are groomed closely to the face. This nasty-looking-shaggy-moonshiner- beard fad is just one more bit of proof IMO that this world has gone mad!?!
As Sherlock said, Melatonin can be a BLESSING for restful sleep. It's available almost anywhere in the supplement section. Not that you need a reminding, but...stressing about insomnia only makes sleep more elusive. I think maybe you need to purge some of this stuff (full throttle) to your therapist.
And as always, take that stick for a walk about DAILY whether you "want" to or not. It's therapeutic and healing, me shelled friend!